18 July 2021

Testing the Silver Ghost

On the exacting trials the Rolls-Royce 40/50 'Silver Ghost' was subject to in 1907 to prove its automotive excellence:

Stunts that now seem routine were performed for the first time: a penny piece was balanced on its edge on top of the radiator, the engine was revved to full power, and all professed awe as the coin remained upright, imperturbable and undisturbed. Likewise, a brimful wineglass, together with a freshly made martini lapping its meniscus against a frosted rim, were positioned on the radiator's pediment. The driver was instructed to press the accelerator to the floor and let the full thrashing power of the six-cylinder monster do its worst. In the glassware: not a ripple, not a swish, not a spill. The martini was neither shaken nor stirred by the wrath of the engine, and was afterward said to have tasted fine.

- Simon Winchester, Exactly: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World, 2018

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