It being a public holiday and all, I thought I should get out of the house rather than getting hooked into playing Civ or watching umpteen episodes of
Hey Ash, Watcha Playing? So this afternoon I trekked up
Mt Kaukau (elevation 445m above sea level), something I've not done in many years. Naturally, rather than taking the half-arsed cheater's option of driving halfway up and walking from Sirsi Crescent in Broadmeadows, I took the route from the Khandallah Pool. The key, newbies, is to take the right-hand 'alternate route' signposted immediately after crossing the stream by the playground. It may be a whole lot steeper than the main path, but that means it's less crowded and therefore no-one can see you turning an alarming shade of purple as you ascend. But whichever way you go up, be sure to pick a clear day because the views from the top are splendid (click photos to enlarge). Duration: about 90 minutes, at my pace.
Qantas flight from Australia coming into land |
Northern view over Ohariu Valley |
The transmission tower |
Stadium, Te Papa & Mt Victoria |
'Aratere' sailing for Picton |
Northern view |
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